Assessments of this sort would form a basis for quantitative calculations of the needs of the future.
More precise analysis of decoherence allows (in principle) a quantitative calculation of the boundary between the classical domain and the quantum domain covariance.
However, the van der Waals model is not appropriate for rigorous quantitative calculations, remaining useful only for teaching and qualitative purposes.
However, the evidence continues to accumulate that a set of evolving factors influences a person's concept of his or her risk, which may not be congruent with evidence-based quantitative calculations.
The "formal rationality of economic action" referred to "the extent of quantitative calculation or accounting which is technically possible and . . . actually applied."
Several groups built detailed thermal models, which could be checked against the known temperatures and powers, and allowed a quantitative calculation of the recoil force.
Sharpenak A.E. Material for quantitative calculation of amino acid content of proteins in nutrition in normal and pathological conditions.
This illustrates dramatically the influence of the individual nucleons on the nuclear size, but as yet no quantitative calculations have been able to reproduce the effect.
The multiple equilibria make a detailed quantitative calculation more involved however.
If you want to consider the situation where you both add CO2 and increase temperature, then you need to do some quantitative calculations.