Some fields, like economics, may have very "hard" or highly quantitative standards for publication, much like the natural sciences.
Monumental architecture achieved a qualitative and quantitative standard that subsequent dynasties tried to emulate but never succeeded in doing.
"A combination of Moore McCormack and Southdown makes tremendous sense by a variety of quantitative standards," a spokesman for Southdown said.
He said the guidelines did not set quantitative standards for fat.
At least two commissioners said setting such quantitative standards was beyond their mandate and would violate the First Amendment.
Its processes must be susceptible of the application of quantitative standards.
The pact prescribed quantitative standards for, among others, the net result of annual government budgets and for the level of public debt.
To resolve technical disputes about the quality of warships, the conferees adopted a quantitative standard, based on tonnage displacement (a simple measure of the size of a ship).
He became one of the most prominent American biologists of his time, pioneering new quantitative standards of taxonomy.
These standards are composed of qualitative, not quantitative standards and don't establish a particular level of working conditions, wages or health and safety standards.