The unit cells can be imagined to function as quibits which maintain quantum coherence "long enough for the electromagnetic pulse to travel across".
As each cell interacts with the propagating electromagnetic pulse, the whole system retains its quantum coherence.
Due to the different interactions of the two components, quantum coherence between the two particles is lost.
In any case, this is not a good topic for a description of quantum coherence.
It has been questioned as to how such quantum coherence could avoid rapid decoherence in the conditions of the brain.
Of course, most biologists do not think quantum coherence is at all important for life, and therefore be possible to duplicate living things with enough classical information.
Both are examples of macroscopic quantum coherence.
While these guided systems in principle can provide arbitrary amounts of measurement time, their quantum coherence is still under discussion.
In 2006, he was recognized for outstanding contributions to theoretical research on quantum coherence.
This quantum coherence may yield new applications for quantum well modulators in optical communications.