He said the work's biggest impact could come in futuristic technologies called quantum computing and quantum communication.
In quantum communication, the information rate of a noisy quantum channel can be increased when used together with a noise-free classical channel.
His research interests extend over most aspects of information processing in quantum-mechanical systems, with a focus on quantum communication and quantum computation.
For generations, Hansa researchers had tried to understand instantaneous quantum communication through the interlinked trees, but they had made no progress.
The Lovász number has been generalized for "non-commutative graphs" in the context of quantum communication.
These results indicate the significant role played by entanglement in quantum communication.
The case where the classical communication is replaced by quantum communication was considered in.
If you use short enough time intervals, you get instantaneous quantum communication, don't you?
The bounded quantum storage model described below is an example for a setting in which quantum communication can be used to construct commitment protocols.
These sections are quantum communication, computation, cryptography, and matter waves.