In other words, he believes it to be a result of a process governed by quantum indeterminacy.
Infosystems were a mature technology, long since pushed to the physical limits of quantum indeterminacy.
At this scale, the concepts of size and distance break down, as quantum indeterminacy becomes virtually absolute.
Adequate determinism is the idea that quantum indeterminacy can be ignored for most macroscopic events.
Something as large as an animal cell, then, would be "adequately determined" (even in light of quantum indeterminacy).
He explained that "pure chance" (by which he means quantum indeterminacy) exists to some extent within the universe.
Pollard's position on the relation of religion and science involves God acting through quantum indeterminacy.
Given today's quantum mechanical indeterminacy, Epicurus's intuition of a fundamental randomness in nature was correct.
An adequate account of quantum indeterminacy requires a theory of measurement.
Since the 1920s, physicists have been trying to convince themselves that quantum indeterminacy can in some way explain free will.