By this logic the most common decay should be into a top-antitop quark pair.
The full quantum mechanical wave function of any hadron must include virtual quark pairs as well as virtual gluons.
This work showed that the quark pairs would largely cancel out flavor changing neutral currents, as well as removing a technical disaster for any quantum field theory with unequal numbers of quarks and leptons- an anomaly.
Also top quark pairs have been examined in the D0 experiment (2012).
This process occurs at about half the rate as the production of top quark pairs but is much more difficult to observe since it is more difficult to distinguish from other processes that happen at much higher rate.
The interesting thing is when new particles are created - in particular if the energies are right, the heavy quarks can be created (together with their anti quark pairs).
The bottom section is the process where the heavier quark pair arises from the lighter pair of quarks shown as dashed lines.
The quark-gluon plasma would be characterized by a great increase in the number of heavier quark pairs in relation to the number of up and down quark pairs.
Single resolved: The quark pair of the target photon form a vector meson.
He was a whiz at calibrating for top and bottom quark pairs, but he was easily the slowest member of the team.