By his own accounts, he was previously a "quarrelsome man" with a bad temper.
A quarrelsome man, he later became professor of painting at the Academy but used his lectures to attack Reynolds.
I remember very little about him except that he was a noisy, quarrelsome man.
His stern, sullen and cold face led him to play the role of a quarrelsome and nervous man.
Folks never reckoned me a quarrelsome man, but I'd trouble with these men before.
Simply knowing that a quarrelsome man is named Greg and lives in a specific town can be enough information to lock someone out.
Stanford was known as a hot-tempered and quarrelsome man.
Although not a quarrelsome man, his size and eccentricity was often a magnet for bullies.
Cestius was a man of great ability, but vain, quarrelsome and sarcastic.
The voice she used was that of a quarrelsome old man.