Peaks said as the quarry moved to the curb and into the passenger seat of a yellow sports car.
But the boys discovered that their quarry must have moved a lot faster than they had thought possible.
Their quarry had not moved in the highest circles.
The quarry moved past the last Yellow team member and into Orange team's purview.
Also, they had no idea whatever how fast their proposed quarry could move.
It was deserted, with no sign of human presence, and he knew that his quarry had moved on out of sight.
He saw that his quarry was moving even more slowly now than he had been a moment ago.
It would take them some time to realize that their quarry had moved somewhat beyond the sight, if not the smell, of salt water.
Within moments their quarry had detected the danger and had moved into attack position.
There was no other way out, and he knew his quarry had not moved by so much as a step.