The Federal Government recommends that Americans reduce their average salt consumption by a third, to six grams a day, about one and a quarter teaspoons.
A quarter teaspoon (1 mL) can be fatal.
Add the reserved tomato pulp, the remaining quarter teaspoon of minced garlic, thyme and white wine.
Next time you are making a lovely cheese sauce for your lasagne, add half/a quarter teaspoon of marmite...
If you do not have a reaction within a half-hour, try a quarter teaspoon of Nystatin.
Heat a small (about six inches in diameter) nonstick skillet and add the remaining quarter teaspoon of oil to the pan (see note) to coat it.
Add the chopped tomatoes and a quarter teaspoon of the salt.
Meanwhile, beat the eggs with the remaining quarter teaspoon of salt and the pepper in a bowl.
Sift together the flour, a quarter teaspoon of the salt and the baking powder on a piece of waxed paper.
A lab worker measures a quarter teaspoon of soil to be tested into a boiling flask.