If he stumbles, quarterback Neil O'Donnell has to carry the offense.
You certainly won't get a peep out of quarterback Neil O'Donnell.
Parcells will be most demanding of his best players, especially quarterback Neil O'Donnell.
There were questions about the ability of quarterback Neil O'Donnell to perform at a playoff-caliber level.
Elliott and quarterback Neil O'Donnell were among the first group to arrive at 7:30 this morning.
Plus, quarterback Neil O'Donnell was eager to throw more deep passes.
He is a favorite third-down receiver of quarterback Neil O'Donnell, which should not be surprising.
In addition, quarterback Neil O'Donnell said today he had agreed to redo his contract.
"I didn't realize he was so huge," quarterback Neil O'Donnell said.
Some - like quarterback Neil O'Donnell - try to tiptoe.