Less attention should be paid, he contends, to command and control of the markets and the noise of quarterly data.
There can also be a further 4 index values for quarterly data.
Submit all your quarterly data into the monthly period for December 2011 (12/11).
Footnotes (1) Compensation, all civilian workers, quarterly data, 3-month percent change, seasonally adjusted.
This report provides quarterly data for the first quarter of fiscal year 2004.
Revised historical seasonally adjusted monthly and quarterly data for additional series are available on the Internet at ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.
Hodrick and Prescott suggest 1600 as a value for for quarterly data.
Even worse, the latest financial crisis had only just begun when this quarterly data was being collected.
Currently, most public companies merely incorporate quarterly data in their audited year-end statements.
They, too, however, must supply the quarterly data on transactions in the 'general government' and 'rest of the world' sectors.