They are usually produced in black and white, in quarto format, and are illustrated with woodcuts.
In 1644, Austin published tract in the quarto format, entitled Allegiance not impeached, viz.
Die Aktion was in the quarto format, with double-line spacing.
The manuscript contains 27 leaves in large quarto format, including the two forming the cover.
The octavo format, with eight leaves per gathering, has half the page size of the quarto format before trimming.
During the Elizabethan era and through the mid-seventeenth century, plays and poems were commonly printed as separate works in quarto format.
Appearing in quarto format, five further editions were released in the same year.
Hard bound in quarto format,72 pages, 87 plates.
The work was completed in 2009 in 121 volumes in quarto format with ca. 80,000 pages.
In 1888, West Shore changed to a quarto format.