Luminique, a colorless concealer that uses quartz particles to change the way light is reflected off the skin, created this category.
The soil is formed from gneiss, clay / slate, hornblende, greenstone, and quartz particles, a fertile and durable soil, containing alumina, silex, potash, lime, and other natural fertilizing minerals.
Ultimately the frit consists of cuprorivaite (CaCuSiO) crystals and "partially reacted quartz particles bonded together" by interstitial glass.
This work used as a benchmark quartz particles, which did give an inflammatory response.
The evidence for the structure being an impact crater stems from identification of shocked quartz particles, which only form under the very high pressures (5-10 GPa) present during a meteoric impact.
Not unexpectedly, he saw that the grains of sand were quartz particles, shimmering in the sun with a few flecks of darker material that might have been magnetite.
Microscopic analysis reveals that the material that has been labeled 'frit' is 'interstitial glass' which serves to connect the quartz particles.
Besides, shocked quartz particles would only be punched up by a meteorite hitting rock on land.
Upon firing, the water from the melting glaze partially diffuses in the sand body, sintering the quartz particles and thus creating some solid bridges in the body.
In high magnification the interstitial glass is extensive; the unreacted salts which have not reached the surface fuse of the body accumulate in the core, creating bridges between the quartz particles.