The queen lost to the king, and East reverted to diamonds.
A king and queen had lost all their children except a daughter, whom they were in no hurry to marry off.
"In a revolution, kings and queens lose their heads; think like a peasant."
South's queen lost to the king, and West would have done best to persevere with diamonds or shift to clubs.
The queen was not slow to take the hint, and lost no time in obeying it.
He then took a heart finesse, and the queen lost to the king.
Dummy's queen lost to the king, and East cashed the club ace.
According to local legend a queen once lost her beloved ring in the Grabfeld.
A king and queen had lost all their children, and were most anxious about a daughter newly born to them.
The queen lost to the king, and when West returned the four, South permitted the nine to win.