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He must have been a little queer in his head, I suppose.
People also use the word "queer" in the same way.
The world would be a better place to live, if it was less queers.
"Now that we have our Queers with us, it might work out all right."
When I was young, the "queers," as they were then called, seemed to want true love more than anything else.
"Were any of those four men I mentioned queers that he brought out?"
The name comes from the expression "Queer as a three dollar bill".
That Pete was a prison queer with a wife and kids on the outside?
The only thing to ever come out of California was queers and hot rods.
Got any of those queers out there in the car?"
You say, who the hell wants to read about a pair of queers?
He's been in Queer Street for quite a while now.
No thinking queer could be happy with his complicity in that.
I think, myself, that there is something a little queer about Erskine.
These queers in the fashion industry have no clue what looks good.
We need to exterminate all queers before it is too late.
A man must be in Queer Street indeed to take a risk like that!
Oh, that was the action these two queers wanted.
They went and made it legal for queers to join up in this man's Navy.
They just go where the queers are, I guess.
Its one of the queers the big kids are always talking about, he thought, and then he looked down.
He looked at me with a special recognition, like one queer looks at another.
This is the definitive Queers live album that does them justice.
Her work is mostly about bringing visibility of queers in the black community.
The time I'll feel like a queer is the first time some man kisses us.