Clay didn't want to ask, but the question was burning his tongue.
Even before the end times these questions burn in the thoughts of every genuine Christian.
I cannot tell you more at the present, although I know that questions are burning on your lips.
A thousand questions burned in her brain, but she refrained from asking even one of them.
But the question of what happened to those still missing is burning very hot in Bosnia.
One might avoid that question by answering it with another: why didn't Nixon burn the tapes?
Since then, the question of who will be the Republican county executive candidate has been burning in both political parties.
More than an hour had passed since that conversation, but the question still burned in her ear: How bad did she want the story?
She wouldn't question them, though questions burned inside her.
But even though those same questions burned in his own mind, they were secondary, almost immaterial, compared to the simple fact of her survival.