The question of Traven's identity has fascinated both critics and readers of his novels and stories, which have sold some 25 million copies in more than 30 languages.
The simple observation that cells of a given type are similar in size, and the question of how this similarity is maintained, has long fascinated cell biologists.
Such questions will fascinate no one except the parents of teenagers, whose current list of must-haves may now include Kate Spade handbags, Tiffany necklaces and North Face jackets.
Considering Isabella's impact on world history, this question has fascinated historians for centuries.
Alvar knew that the question of a crime's motive, with the insight it provides into the human psyche, always fascinated Donald.
This question has fascinated the mesoscopic community during the last two decades (see references below).
The question of whether the half-regulated world of long-distance communications can successfully mimic a free market has fascinated economists since AT&T was chopped into seven regional monopolies and one long-distance carrier in 1984.
These questions have fascinated humans for as long as we can remember.
The question of infinity fascinated him in the field of the Philosophy of nature.