As the anniversary of that crime, April 20, approaches, the questions about crime and culture will inevitably reverberate again.
That question has been reverberating for some time among executives in the credit card and advertising industries.
The question reverberates: Will he now, at last, understand his own fault, admit it and then act decisively to correct it?
Those questions have reverberated around Capitol Hill this week as one problem after another has hampered the process of translating the oral agreement into writing.
The question reverberated through Jerome's entire being.
The question, unanswered, reverberated as if her skull were a cavern full of a roaring sea.
These questions reverberate within my heart and soul.
The question reverberated in Reed's head as he slowly walked back to the Bonnel building for his next class.
The question reverberated inside his head, its tone troubling, rhetorical, as though she already knew the answer.
The question reverberates: Where is the Governor?