His strategy seems to be to drag a couple of these questionable cases into court and pray for a sympathetic jury.
They began checking with other delegations for questionable cases where imposture might be involved.
According to the report, one-quarter of the 254 officers surveyed said they have been pressured to approve questionable cases, sometimes "against their will."
"A decision over benefits for questionable cases often depends on who answers the phone," she said.
A Merit Increase was routine; only really questionable cases had trouble.
As for Starr, his strategy is to "shore up a questionable legal case with reams of graphic sexual material."
The percentage of questionable cases for individual programs ranged from 7 percent to 42 percent.
In questionable cases, a child can be referred to a health professional.
Chromosomal analysis is a more extensive cell study that may be needed in more questionable cases.