Steve Langdon, a party spokesman, said the money used to repay the questionable donations had come from recent contributions by mail and fund-raisers.
Since then, Congressional Republicans have begun investigations into a series of questionable donations raised by Indonesians.
In the early months of the scandal search, the Democratic National Committee has already returned or promised to return more than $3 million in questionable donations.
The defense trust withheld for months information about the questionable donations totaling almost $639,000 that it said this week were returned to the givers.
And the pressure to reach that goal led to the string of questionable donations.
It has already returned nearly $1.5 million in questionable donations.
The party is facing a debt of $14.4 million and still has to return an additional $1.5 million in questionable donations.
Nonetheless, this is a questionable donation, representing the kind of gift-giving that can warp an institution's priorities and professionalism.
In the end, the Democratic National Committee had to return $3 million in questionable donations, much of it from foreigners.
It had also received $639,000, later returned, in questionable donations.