Nassau County prosecutors are investigating $7.8 million in questionable expenses by district employees.
"And the S.C.I. staff found an additional $20,000 in duplicate or questionable expenses," the report said.
Evacuation cover is a questionable expense in countries with good medical services.
In the days leading up to the report, parishioners have said that the questionable expenses took a heavy toll on the church's ability to fulfill its mission.
So far, officials have identified questionable expenses that they say appear to be linked to Dr. Tassone, like $33,141 paid to a dry cleaner he uses.
But Puccio said that the money had been withheld as a recourse against questionable expenses from the Bruno fight.
But in March, an anonymous letter was sent to the district attorney, prompting a broader inquiry in which some $7.8 million in questionable expenses were identified.
And state auditors in Wisconsin recently found that the company had billed the state for $466,000 in improper or questionable expenses.
Mr. Petrino had monitored Michael's card closely, talking with him if there was a questionable expense.
The audit also took issue with $4.2 million in "questionable expenses" at the four institutions.