Opponents claim that the group is a cult due to a secretive and authoritarian nature, difficulty contacting relatives involved with the organization, and what they see as a questionable interpretation of church teachings.
In Romania, starting with the 1970s, the Nicolae Ceauşescu regime used ancient history, seen from a nationalistic and questionable interpretation (Protochronism) as a way to legitimize its own rule.
But other reviewers concluded that amid all this insistence on linguistic ambiguity, instabilities of institutions and problems of translation, Professor Boswell had inserted his own highly questionable interpretations.
While Fulgentius' works remained popular during and well after the Carolingian period, his factual inaccuracies and questionable interpretations came under harsh criticism in the 19th century.
It also found that 60 change orders, totaling $45 million, were allowed, using questionable interpretations.
Over and over she found doubtful science, questionable interpretation and selective reporting of data.
Again this is a highly questionable interpretation.
"Few realized that its conclusion was based essentially on a questionable interpretation of one study," wrote Dr. Rosen in his National Academy of Sciences report.
Assumptions made by cryptographers, questionable interpretations, and translations placing reliance on expert testimony of cryptographers, and the entire case would be circumstantial.
In a questionable interpretation he is seen by some as a local personification of the all-Slavic god of war Perun worshipped in all areas where the Slavic mythology was present.