Jenner later makes a surprise appearance in the story and shows that despite his questionable loyalties, he cares strongly for his son.
They would certainly remove people of questionable and dual loyalty from positions of influence and perhaps prod them to leave the country.
His questionable loyalty and slackness forced me to bear down, all the harder, of course, and-well, I guess that's the picture, sir.
Mao set the scene for the Cultural Revolution by "cleansing" powerful officials of questionable loyalty who were based in Beijing.
And the village militias are untested, often corrupt and of questionable loyalty.
His questionable loyalty was not the only reason he had been chosen as the go-between.
Because he had an aunt in Britain, he was placed in a unit of young men of questionable loyalty to the regime.
Despite questionable loyalty, Jayne remained more or less loyal to the Serenity crew until the end of the series.
Worried about the questionable loyalty of the armed forces, the government pressed ahead with plans to form a unified national police force as a counterbalance.
Adding to the instability would be the questionable loyalty of the army in a non-Sandinista regime.