The inclusion of questionable material in advertising is not new, of course.
Hard Copy was aggressive in its use of questionable material on television, including gratuitous violence.
Faure, on the other hand, shows us what beauties can be built from questionable materials.
And the worrying specter of censorship is very often good reason enough for giving even the most questionable material the benefit of many doubts.
Or even better teaching them that the internet is a vast resource and many websites can have questionable material and should not be visited.
Filtering allows your company to control what type of sites employees visit on the Web, preventing them from viewing questionable material.
The city halted the landfill work in 1978, though, when it learned that the private contractor had allowed questionable material to be used.
The approach of screening out questionable material or letting consumers make the choices is also being looked at by the telecommunications industry.
Pictures of naked women or otherwise questionable material was torn from locker doors.
Or will their arrival give the Iraqis sufficient time to hide any questionable material or weapons at alternate sites?