Though she is a heroine to some, her detractors call her a zealot quick to push beyond facts in pursuit of questionable policies.
But it is questionable public policy.
"Mandating this somewhat expensive requirement without any evidence of its effectiveness is certainly questionable public policy."
And if it was, it carried a questionable policy, the blockade of Cuba, to a ludicrous conclusion.
Energy needs should not be an Administration smokescreen for carrying out questionable foreign policy.
Although she said the bonding plan might "be questionable public policy," she rejected the Republicans' argument that the budget was not balanced.
"Price controls," he added, "would be questionable public policy."
Nothing but bad experiences, not only in-flight but with their questionable policies and offensive customer service.
It does appear by all measures a very questionable policy.
Trip Hawkins' questionable policy of rushing games to the market in 6 months did not pay off.