Any social scientist can design a poll to get questionable results for either side.
The agency said it would downgrade the ingredients' safety classification and rule them questionable pending results of long-term studies.
To date, subwavelength structures have shown only a few questionable results at visible wavelengths.
Many studies since then have either not been able to confirm this finding or have had questionable results.
All diagnostic tests have limitations, and sometimes their use may produce erroneous or questionable results.
On the other are growing concern about the devastating costs and questionable long-term results of a historic leap in imprisonment.
His actions brought questionable results, and he remained out of favour with the Admiralty.
They are not screening devices and often lead to other tests because of questionable results.
Carrying a benchmark disk into a computer store to test different showroom models, for example, will yield questionable results.
Many fee-based submission services get questionable results, but there are a few good ones, like Submit It!