In spite of questionable testimony and poor forensic evidence (O'Connor was in the possession of a pocket watch police claimed belonged to the murdered man), he was found guilty and sentenced to death.
The case turns on questionable medical testimony about injuries to 8-month-old victim Matthew Eappen.
If Congress also moved to change the commissions' rules to make them more like court-martial proceedings - required the exclusion of hearsay and other questionable testimony and so forth - the commissions might be acceptable to the court.
That evidence, supplemented by questionable testimony from the victim, led a jury to convict Mr. Sutton in 1999.
Investigators believe the detective used questionable testimony in other cases that Hynes prosecuted.
Airing her father's side is understandable, but I think it leads her into the position of accepting some questionable testimony of others hostile to the defense team and thus tilting history.
The report also alleges that 121 Texas inmates have been sentenced to death based on questionable psychiatric testimony used during the sentencing phase of a trial to convince jurors that a defendant was a future danger to society.
"Merely from the report of the Overlords and from the highly questionable testimony of one of the Eich, who was absent from the scene during all of the most important time."
Richard Parker disputes this and suggests that it is a hoax, based on the questionable testimony of a single man.
The man had some questionable testimony during a lawsuit trial that embarrased him and his morals.