If the average queue length oscillates around min threshold then early detection is too aggressive.
On the other hand if the average queue length oscillates around max threshold then early detection is being too conservative.
This curve does not correctly show the queue length resulting from the interruption in traffic (i.e. red signal).
The service rate can be state dependent, so write for the service rate when the queue length is j.
So this so-called PST is a minimum queue length that has to have occurred within a tenth of a second.
In queueing theory a model is constructed so that queue lengths and waiting times can be predicted.
Nelson and Tantawi published the distribution of the join queue length in the situation where all servers have the same service rate.
In most microsimulation programs the queue length cannot exceed the storage capacity for that turn-bay or lane.
The equilibrium distribution, mean and variance of queue length are known for this model.
However, Jacobson demonstrated in 2006 that this measurement is not a good metric: the average queue length rises sharply in case of a communications burst.