I made a quick U-turn and went home.
They decided against firing the command module's rocket to make a quick U-turn and come back.
But he made a quick U-turn towards the soundboard.
Then he made a quick U-turn and accelerated up the street.
Sweaty and nervous, he spoke sharply to the driver, who made a quick U-turn and pulled to the curb.
The pilot made a quick U-turn, then taxied straight for a stand of palm trees.
There is a quick U-turn soon after, connecting to the other side and the station.
As soon as the door closed, the taxi made a quick U-turn.
He made a quick U-turn and then drove down the steep street, deliberately slowing his pace to that of a local driving to work.
Blinking rapidly, he turned his attention to the small cemetery and did a quick U-turn.