With his quick acceleration, he was going full speed in a heartbeat.
Its great look and quick acceleration made it valuable back then, and it's still very pricey today.
For this reason, the car is capable of very quick acceleration and good off-road performance, despite not being four-wheel drive.
It can also be temporarily disturbed by quick or prolonged acceleration, for example riding on a merry-go-round.
He is known for his quick acceleration and good passing ability.
He is known for his technical skill, quick acceleration and dribbling.
Its quick acceleration, quiet exhaust and relatively light weight made sure that a running criminal wouldn't get very far.
I sought to stay in the fuel-conserving electric mode and tried not to take advantage of the car's quick acceleration.
A driver's desire for quick acceleration causes our cars to be much less efficient than they could be.
Performance is superb with quick acceleration and a very smooth ride.