Like the other "smart" instruments, we think we'd use the Smart Bass and Smart Guitar more for experimenting and songwriting, or recording quick demos on-the-go.
Here is a quick demo of the Eminence Red Fang 10, ten inch speaker.
A quick demo was thrown together and distributed in lieu of the final masters, but the recovery was never completed.
A quick demo I made today... Wont be long before its completed.
The song was first recorded as a quick demo including a solo of a melodica Tim Rice-Oxley bought in Berlin when Keane were supporting Starsailor.
It was on a work tape that we had...and we recorded a very quick demo.
A quick demo showed that it's similar to Internet radio stations like Pandora.
I'll find my eight-track and do a quick demo of just the riff, or a verse or a chorus.
Never mind, we'll give you a quick demo of each.
It's a real quick demo: show 'em the features, show 'em the top price, show 'em the show price, then give them a reason to buy today.