Slowly, he watched the right nucleus form around him, quick guards and heady players who intrinsically understood where to go and what to do.
But the Scarlet Knights still cannot shoot well enough against a zone defense or handle a quick guard.
There was no sound but the breathing of the two men for a moment: lan's light and controlled; the guard's quick, shallow, labored.
St. John's kept trying a trapping defense, but Manhattan's quick guards often escaped it.
One goal was to shut down Nikki Jett, a quick starting guard, and they did, holding her scoreless.
But now with the rule changes (in regard to hand contact), the little quick guard is the 'in thing.'
We were playing awful the whole game, so we put in our quick little guards into the game for some enthusiasm.
We have two quick guards, so it's not a problem at all.
But I watched him chase down a quick guard from behind on defense and that really got my attention.
There were little bitty guards, 5-6, really quick.