But here too, critics say, the state's determination to get a quick payoff from deregulation took priority.
What's more, philanthropists must have Job-like patience, because in the war of ideas there are few quick payoffs.
Then came the quick payoff: "Do you remember me?"
But at the same time, investigators were pressed to pursue research that might offer quick payoffs for desperate patients.
She was not in it for a one-time strike, a quick payoff to go away.
The Knicks hoped to see a quick payoff and better chemistry.
They may choose tasks or activities that have a quick payoff, rather than those that take more effort, but provide bigger, delayed rewards.
Marketing isn't always about pandering to the masses and shooting for the quick payoff.
Analysts, too, find the deals interesting, although they see no quick payoff.
The Clinton capital blitz is unlikely to yield a quick payoff.