A specialised program but one which is simple to use after a quick read of the detailed manual.
It's going to be taking the snap, making a quick read - bang - and getting the ball to the receiver faster.
Will Price completed a quick read of the situation and saw an opportunity developing.
But "Send" is a quick read, and if you do a lot of e-mailing, you'd probably benefit from it.
It was what he had come to find, but a quick read told him it wouldn't do him much good.
- 2 months ago A quick read of these 33 blogs is very revealing.
Some people want a quick read; others, knowing how it will end, hope it won't.
Maybe a quick read of the transcript would explain everything.
"Everything here is a quick read, an icon of its ilk, visual fast food."
Imperial Secrets is not a quick read, but it's a stimulating one.