She also warned not to expect a quick resumption of regular airline service.
While no one expects a quick resumption of arms inspections in Iraq, diplomats said the Iraqis appear more conciliatory.
A14 Secretary Baker called for a quick resumption of the peace talks.
But the default led to a quick resumption of sustained economic growth.
The surprisingly quick resumption in the exodus is perhaps a reflection of Africa's steep and general decline in recent years.
And if a cease-fire can be put in place, Washington should push for a quick resumption of peace talks.
Secretary Powell was expected to press the Israelis not only for a withdrawal, but also for a quick resumption of negotiations toward a political settlement.
The action left the rebels with no current aid from the United States Government and no prospect of a quick resumption.
The investigation allowed quick resumption of polio immunizations and restored public confidence in them.
The airline's chief executive, Bob Iverson, said he was optimistic about "a quick resumption of service."