But he too was forced into a quick reversal by the need to meet deficit targets for the single currency.
Miles did a quick mental reversal, and calculation, "This place was sucking down five thousand marks a week?"
Yet more than that, he marveled at her quick reversal of mood.
He made a quick reversal on an elven healing spell and cast it.
But market confidence, much like perceptions of American power, is quirky and subject to quick reversal.
I don't think we ever thought that we could have a quick reversal.
Lloyd's plans to argue for a quick reversal of the ruling.
A major contributor to this quick reversal is the top funds' price manipulation, according to three theoreticians who are building on this research.
A quick reversal and Duncan was firing several bursts into the back of the creature.
Mr. Clinton is talking about a quick reversal of the trade gap, which was $49 billion in 1992.