There's a lot more that I could say about the differences but wanted to drop a quick warning.
Gold nodded to Ina, who sent a quick warning to the outpost via the radio beacon.
Some bravo has a blade out, he gets a quick warning.
Finchley gestured a quick warning that stopped her.
The attack might well have proved fatal had Durnik not shouted a quick warning.
Daffyd sent a quick warning to Sally to leave off the search and get back to the copter.
He appears only once by himself in the game to offer a quick warning to beware of both Duncan and Tess.
Diane called a quick warning to Harry.
But some said they received a quick warning that something was amiss this morning: the conductor in the first car suddenly told everyone to hit the floor.
He shouted a quick warning to Jerle, and the members of the little company began to run.