This quick-witted and sensitive young woman taught biology, but was also a lover of literature.
A quick-witted woman with a coquettish smile and a figure that prompted Fijian men to call out "uro, uro!"
That will not amount to much of a change for Mrs. Davis, a quick-witted woman of 72, who has squatted in the Umpqua National Forest since November.
And what a quick-witted woman, this Carl.
'She was a wonderful, quick-witted little woman, hilariously funny,' Fenella Fielding remembers.
The quick-witted women know each other so well that they seem to speak in their own irony-drenched language.
Josselina Reyes, a quick-witted woman who became a prostitute three years ago when her husband left her and a newborn child, said those options were fantasies.
She is a beautiful, outspoken and quick-witted young woman; she speaks Welsh and English; she is sought by at least two suitors.
All his life, this shambling idiot had been coming to the fore, dragging away the lively, quick-witted woman he missed.
She's a quick-witted and independent young woman who loves indie and rock music as well as having a real lust for life.