Another striking initiative of President Kim has been his campaign to lure in foreign investors with new tax incentives and subsidies and quicker approvals.
With the transit village designation, municipalities are eligible for professional assistance and possible state grants, as well as quicker approvals for mixed-use projects.
Dr. Esserman believes that such trials lead not just to quicker approval of new lifesaving treatment options but ultimately improve the standard of care for all patients.
"It appears to be a good idea that will likely result in quicker approval of drugs," he said.
If a deal is reached, it would pave the way to quicker approval of a plan for WorldCom to emerge from bankruptcy protection.
Skybus officials said they hoped to receive quicker approval, although none was imminent as of the beginning of this month.
Dr. Mason said Dr. Young's major achievement in his years at the agency was overseeing the move to a quicker approval of life-saving drugs.
The regulations that would implement the 1984 law giving quicker approval to generic drugs have still not been issued.
The insurers say they want efficiency: one-stop shopping and quicker approval of new insurance and investment products.
"Is it all right to inquire tomorrow, just in case there is a quicker approval?"