Rest well this night and you'll make up your lost time the quicker for it.
In human prostate cancer, the higher expressing tumors are associated with quicker time to progression and a greater percentage of patients suffering relapse.
They reached the gate in even quicker time than they'd left it.
If he sent the letter there, it might reach her quicker, perhaps, than trying to get a message out to Titan in time.
Never did I see goods transferred in quicker time.
Menu set his best time in Q2 late on as Huff was unable to produce a quicker time.
I suspect if you tried to pass these contraptions through airport security, you would have a quicker time walking than flying to your destination.
She offered me no argument, and I'll give her this: she made herself ready in quicker time than I'd expected from any tenderfoot woman.
Avenger was pushed to the forefront as it offered a quicker time to market than the already delayed Rampage.
They made quicker time after that.