Simulated human brain model could be one of the quickest means of achieving strong AI, as it doesn't require complete understanding of how intelligence works.
They only knew that the matter was urgent, and they took the quickest means to do what I wished.
It is often the quickest means to promotion for blacks and Latinos, but Safir says they are also ideologically committed to the drug war.
"She's a generous host and that's the quickest means to becoming a popular guest," as Ms. Stewart said.
They were used under saddle as the quickest means of travel in areas where there were no established roads.
This message is being sent ahead of our vessel by the quickest available means, so that you may prepare for our arrival.
He intended to take to the air as the quickest means of reaching the ground from this top-floor sill.
The report must be made by the "quickest practicable means" and confirmed by a written report within ten days (reg.3(2)).
Dividend cuts are probably the quickest means of reducing the cash drain.
Understandably, the Government is desperate to kick-start the economy and sees reigniting the housing market as the quickest means of doing so.