The decision quickly backfired, when reporters learned that a friend of the President might benefit financially from the travel office reshuffling.
But they lost the argument, and the office's gambit quickly backfired.
Recognizing the danger, milk lobbyists opened their campaign with a move that quickly backfired.
Yet his move quickly backfired; the attorney general launched an investigation, and a host of women soon came forward.
But with stores, businesses and factories open today for the first time this week after a four-day general strike, the measure quickly backfired.
The attempt to insure integrity quickly backfired as inspectors devised ways to override tests at the state-of-the-art center.
The few blitzes on Sunday quickly backfired.
But the strategy backfired almost as quickly.
The movie's shock effects are applied with such hamfisted regularity that they quickly backfire.
But his strategy backfired almost as quickly.