He quickly bundled both stiffs, human and canine, into Nystrom's pickup camper and drove it out of sight.
With a glance at the tiny red eye of the security camera on the ceiling at the far end of the corridor, Pancho quickly bundled the suit into her tote bag.
Jess quickly bundled his possessions into the habitation module and checked all the stowed supplies before the ship was raised up and installed inside the ellipsoidal ballistic cocoon that contained the folded microfiber film.
Oklina and I quickly bundled those up and out of sight in the mound of wash.
Matthews quickly bundled Megan out of the Tempo's trunk and slipped her into the trunk of the Mercedes.
CROUCHING in the dark smoke-filled hallway, Carlos Nique quickly bundled his tiny daughter in his overcoat and fled with her down several flights of stairs into the cold February morning.
Now she shuddered and bundled quickly into the robe to help chase away the chill.
The team quickly bundled the girl up and took her to a nearby hospital.