However, the pieces of undissolved residue are very fine and can quickly clog the filter cloth.
As the exodus from Houston this week demonstrated, in many places highways would clog quickly, confusion would reign and police resources would soon be overtaxed.
The record was in Gaza City, where 92 candidates competing for 12 seats filled a ballot four feet long, which quickly clogged the ballot boxes.
Soldiers and police posted nearest the volcano were seen fleeing along with hundreds of residents who quickly clogged roads with cars and motorcycles.
But its low price makes it a good choice for removing paint, a task that quickly clogs and ruins all types of sandpaper.
Waves of unwanted data quickly clogged the Web sites of the government, businesses and several newspapers, shutting down one branch of their computer network after another.
This type of humidifier can quickly clog if the primary air filtration is not maintained in good order.
The largest task continues to be removing evergreen thornless blackberry, which quickly clogs the creek and increases flooding.
That is why the virus files appeared to come from friends and acquaintances, and why they quickly clogged computer systems around the world.
If the paper clogs quickly, switch to 36 grit.