The warmth that many ordinary Iraqis felt for the Americans quickly ebbed away.
Brandark's strength was ebbing quickly, but he shook his head again.
If Shahak ever felt sufficient fire in his belly, it was ebbing quickly.
He stumbled quickly away from Nadenka, his passion quickly ebbing.
For many, the appeal of freshwater species quickly ebbed, and pollution in some lakes compounded the problem.
But though the tension quickly ebbed within the speeding aircraft, it was not replaced by joviality or small talk.
History has shown that the moral fervor with which the United States enters wars can ebb quickly.
Her cries ebbed quickly with the gouts and wash of blood.
There was a continued brief struggle, but Stephen's strength quickly ebbed.
Congress can be a tough place, and once he is out of the leadership, Mr. Hastert could find his influence ebbing quickly.