Fresh from a career in radio news, Dixon quickly endeared himself to countless viewers for years to come.
Darius' disaffected attitude serves her well, and she quickly endears herself to Kenneth as she poses as a candidate to accompany him on his mission.
His electrifying speed and side-step combined with his diminutive stature and humility quickly endeared him to Cronulla fans.
Hero: Roy Hodgson Quickly endeared himself to Albion fans by turning their season around and leading them to safety.
Leah was outspoken, sharing her opinions about personalities and events with blunt remarks that quickly endeared her to me.
Cust quickly endeared himself to A's fans by hitting 6 home runs in his first 7 games.
During her stay there, she quickly endears herself to everyone there.
Owen's antics and Christmas spirit quickly endear him to everyone with the exception of Maya, who resents Owen for taking on so many of her responsibilities.
The best friend of Arthur Cummings Jr., his intelligent maturity quickly endeared him to Eiji as well.
A talented ball-handler and charismatic leader, her energetic play quickly endeared her to the fans and media in New York.