He quickly engaged the issue and often anchored near the advised area to listen to the captains' discussions over the radio at night.
Blatter has been known to quickly engage his vocal cords, perhaps ahead of his reason.
"The beginnings of an estrangement have been visible lately, and Powell must engage quickly to head this off."
Also similar to the art of Hapkido the techniques most often keep the thrower in a ready position to quickly engage additional attackers.
Writing is a good thing for the academic, but I've also found that students quickly engage with writing processes.
The unusual construction gave the gun good stability and a traverse of 360 degrees, allowing it to quickly engage moving vehicles from any approach.
The ships encountered Bismarck at 22:38; the battleship quickly engaged them with her main battery.
They quickly engaged the Nez Perce and drove them back into the park.
They also spotted another column moving to their rear which quickly engaged F Company with small arms fire.
Employment in a Vorausabteilung requires the ability to quickly engage targets in every direction.