It quickly engulfed the home and sent smoke over the block.
He and his troops did not stay for long, however, as the town was quickly engulfed by the plague.
That fire, which started Friday, has quickly engulfed 300 acres and threatens more than 50 homes.
A figure suddenly ran in front of him, and then was quickly engulfed in the storm.
Due to sweeping winds, the coach was quickly engulfed in flames.
The substance tore off some of the spider's legs and quickly engulfed it.
On the night of February 3, 1731, fire broke out in the kitchens and quickly engulfed the entire palace.
The blaze, which began in a heavy truck and quickly engulfed some 30 other vehicles, was finally brought under control this afternoon.
Fire quickly engulfed the oil, and from the docks it looked as though the river were on fire.
A curtain drifted onto the hot plate and the trailer was quickly engulfed.