The video went viral and quickly exceeded 1,000,000 views.
Demand quickly exceeded factory capacity, so the Duncan company began to borrow money in order to meet customer expectations.
Her insurance policy has a $3,000 annual cap for prescription drugs, which she quickly exceeded.
The reflected power will quickly exceed the duplexer's filtering ability.
The University enrolled fewer than 50,000 students in the 1970-1971 academic year, but it quickly exceeded that number by 1974-1975.
In any case, his comrades' conduct quickly exceeded the bounds of what he considered offensive.
Demand for irrigation water in the area quickly exceeded availability.
The fund drive quickly exceeded its goal and ground for the new theatre was broken on December 18, 1969.
The car sticks to the road like tar and quickly exceeds legal speeds.
The school quickly exceeded its numbers, and extension work in the early 1980s allowed for up to 900 students.