Blade quickly exchanged his own metal amulet for the wooden one.
If you have the cash - and can therefore exchange quickly - there are also auction bargains to be had in the housing market.
She quickly exchanged instruments with the concertmaster, missing only a note or two, and played on.
She wrote to him, he replied immediately and they quickly exchanged important information.
Can't the technology be devised just to quickly exchange the battery pack for a charged one at the equivalent of 'garages'?
Evidence of debates which resulted in insults being exchanged quickly back-and-forth between two parties can be found throughout history.
It is simply a key tool for efficient cooperation in this area so that we might quickly exchange information and so intervene early on.
The two young Lensman quickly exchanged mental notes and they agreed.
Another Administration official said the arrangements would permit local commanders to quickly exchange information in a crisis.
She hesitated, then handed him the pack and quickly exchanged her sweaters for his coat.